Using the LCA_Database API

LCA_Database objects combine a fast in-memory storage of signatures indexed by their hash values, with taxonomic lineage storage. They are limited to storing scaled DNA signatures with a single ksize; the scaled and ksize values are specified at creation.

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Contact: C. Titus Brown, Please file issues on GitHub if you have any questions or comments!

Creating an LCA_Database object

Create an LCA_Database like so:

import sourmash
db = sourmash.lca.LCA_Database(ksize=31, scaled=1000)

Create signatures for some genomes, load them, and add them:

!sourmash compute --name-from-first -k 31 --scaled=1000 genomes/*

== This is sourmash version 3.2.4.dev5+g6484e78f. ==
== Please cite Brown and Irber (2016), doi:10.21105/joss.00027. ==

setting num_hashes to 0 because --scaled is set
computing signatures for files: genomes/akkermansia.fa, genomes/shew_os185.fa, genomes/shew_os223.fa
Computing signature for ksizes: [31]
Computing only nucleotide (and not protein) signatures.
Computing a total of 1 signature(s).
skipping genomes/akkermansia.fa - already done
skipping genomes/shew_os185.fa - already done
skipping genomes/shew_os223.fa - already done
sig1 = sourmash.load_one_signature('akkermansia.fa.sig', ksize=31)
sig2 = sourmash.load_one_signature('shew_os185.fa.sig', ksize=31)
sig3 = sourmash.load_one_signature('shew_os223.fa.sig', ksize=31)
db.insert(sig1, ident='akkermansia')
db.insert(sig2, ident='shew_os185')
db.insert(sig3, ident='shew_os223')

Run search and gather via the Index API

from pprint import pprint
pprint(, threshold=0.1))
  SourmashSignature('CP001071.1 Akkermansia muciniphila ATCC BAA-835, complete genome', 6822e0b7),
pprint(, threshold=0.1))
  SourmashSignature('NC_009665.1 Shewanella baltica OS185, complete genome', b47b13ef),
  SourmashSignature('NC_011663.1 Shewanella baltica OS223, complete genome', ae6659f6),
  SourmashSignature('NC_011663.1 Shewanella baltica OS223, complete genome', ae6659f6),

Retrieve all signatures with signatures()

for i in db.signatures():
SourmashSignature('CP001071.1 Akkermansia muciniphila ATCC BAA-835, complete genome', 6822e0b7)
SourmashSignature('NC_009665.1 Shewanella baltica OS185, complete genome', b47b13ef)
SourmashSignature('NC_011663.1 Shewanella baltica OS223, complete genome', ae6659f6)

Access identifiers and names

The list of (unique) identifiers in the database can be accessed via the attribute ident_to_idx, which maps to integer identifiers; identifiers can also retrieve full names, which are taken from upon insertion.

dict_keys(['akkermansia', 'shew_os185', 'shew_os223'])
{'akkermansia': 'CP001071.1 Akkermansia muciniphila ATCC BAA-835, complete '
 'shew_os185': 'NC_009665.1 Shewanella baltica OS185, complete genome',
 'shew_os223': 'NC_011663.1 Shewanella baltica OS223, complete genome'}

Access hash values directly

The attribute hashval_to_idx contains a mapping from individual hash values to sets of idx indices.

See the method _find_signatures() for an example of how this is used in search and gather.

print('{} hash values total in this database'.format(len(db.hashval_to_idx)))
1300 hash values total in this database
all_idx = set()
for idx_set in db.hashval_to_idx.values():
print('belonging to signatures with idx {}'.format(all_idx))
belonging to signatures with idx {0, 1, 2}
first_three_hashvals = list(db.hashval_to_idx)[:3]
for hashval in first_three_hashvals:
    print('hashval {} belongs to idxs {}'.format(hashval, db.hashval_to_idx[hashval]))
hashval 17302105753387 belongs to idxs {0}
hashval 95741036335406 belongs to idxs {0}
hashval 165640715598232 belongs to idxs {0}
query_idx = 2
hashval_set = set()
for hashval, idx_set in db.hashval_to_idx.items():
    if query_idx in idx_set:

print('{} hashvals belong to query idx {}'.format(len(hashval_set), query_idx))

ident = db.idx_to_ident[query_idx]
print('query idx {} matches to ident {}'.format(query_idx, ident))

name = db.ident_to_name[ident]
print('query idx {} matches to name {}'.format(query_idx, name))
490 hashvals belong to query idx 2
query idx 2 matches to ident shew_os223
query idx 2 matches to name NC_011663.1 Shewanella baltica OS223, complete genome

Lineage storage and retrieval

from sourmash.lca import LineagePair
superkingdom = LineagePair('superkingdom', 'Bacteria')
phylum = LineagePair('phylum', 'Verrucomicrobia')
klass = LineagePair('class', 'Verrucomicrobiae')

lineage = (superkingdom, phylum, klass)
db = sourmash.lca.LCA_Database(ksize=31, scaled=1000)
db.insert(sig1, lineage=lineage)
# by default, the identifier is the signature name --
ident =
idx = db.ident_to_idx[ident]
print("ident '{}' has idx {}".format(ident, idx))

lid = db.idx_to_lid[idx]
print("lid for idx {} is {}".format(idx, lid))

lineage = db.lid_to_lineage[lid]
display = sourmash.lca.display_lineage(lineage)
print("lineage for lid {} is {}".format(lid, display))
ident 'CP001071.1 Akkermansia muciniphila ATCC BAA-835, complete genome' has idx 0
lid for idx 0 is 0
lineage for lid 0 is Bacteria;Verrucomicrobia;Verrucomicrobiae

Lineage manipulation

Default taxonomy ranks for lineages

While sourmash lineage functions can work with any taxonomy ranks and any taxonomy names, both the NCBI and GTDB taxonomies use superkingdom/phylum/etc, so there is a hard coded list availalbe via sourmash.lca.taxlist().

['superkingdom', 'phylum', 'class', 'order', 'family', 'genus', 'species', 'strain']

Given a taxonomy as a list, you can then construct a lineage like so:

linstr1 = ["Bacteria", "Verrucomicrobia", "Verrucomicrobiae",
           "Verrucomicrobiales", "Akkermansiaceae", "Akkermansia",
           "Akkermansia muciniphila", "Akkermansia muciniphila ATCC BAA-835"]

lineage1 = [ LineagePair(*pair) for pair in zip(sourmash.lca.taxlist(), linstr1) ]
[LineagePair(rank='superkingdom', name='Bacteria'),
 LineagePair(rank='phylum', name='Verrucomicrobia'),
 LineagePair(rank='class', name='Verrucomicrobiae'),
 LineagePair(rank='order', name='Verrucomicrobiales'),
 LineagePair(rank='family', name='Akkermansiaceae'),
 LineagePair(rank='genus', name='Akkermansia'),
 LineagePair(rank='species', name='Akkermansia muciniphila'),
 LineagePair(rank='strain', name='Akkermansia muciniphila ATCC BAA-835')]
# display lineages as strings with 'sourmash.lca.display_lineage()'
'Bacteria;Verrucomicrobia;Verrucomicrobiae;Verrucomicrobiales;Akkermansiaceae;Akkermansia;Akkermansia muciniphila;Akkermansia muciniphila ATCC BAA-835'

sourmash lowest-common-ancestor functions

The LCA functionality available in sourmash is built around some simple lineage manipulation functions – build_tree and find_lca.

First, let’s define some more lineages –

linstr2 = ["Bacteria", "Proteobacteria", "Gammaproteobacteria",
           "Alteromonadales", "Shewanellaceae", "Shewanella",
           "Shewanella baltica", "Shewanella baltica OS185"]
lineage2 = [ LineagePair(*pair) for pair in zip(sourmash.lca.taxlist(), linstr2) ]

linstr3 = ["Bacteria", "Proteobacteria", "Gammaproteobacteria",
           "Alteromonadales", "Shewanellaceae", "Shewanella",
           "Shewanella baltica", "Shewanella baltica OS223"]
lineage3 = [ LineagePair(*pair) for pair in zip(sourmash.lca.taxlist(), linstr3) ]

print('lineage2 is', sourmash.lca.display_lineage(lineage2))
print('lineage3 is', sourmash.lca.display_lineage(lineage3))
lineage2 is Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Alteromonadales;Shewanellaceae;Shewanella;Shewanella baltica;Shewanella baltica OS185
lineage3 is Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Alteromonadales;Shewanellaceae;Shewanella;Shewanella baltica;Shewanella baltica OS223

Now, build a tree structure that collapses these lineages where it can, and run some LCA analyses. Lineages 1 and 2 collapse to superkingdom:

tree = sourmash.lca.build_tree([lineage1, lineage2])
((LineagePair(rank='superkingdom', name='Bacteria'),), 2)

while lineages 2 and 3 collapse to species:

tree = sourmash.lca.build_tree([lineage2, lineage3])
((LineagePair(rank='superkingdom', name='Bacteria'),
  LineagePair(rank='phylum', name='Proteobacteria'),
  LineagePair(rank='class', name='Gammaproteobacteria'),
  LineagePair(rank='order', name='Alteromonadales'),
  LineagePair(rank='family', name='Shewanellaceae'),
  LineagePair(rank='genus', name='Shewanella'),
  LineagePair(rank='species', name='Shewanella baltica')),

Convenience functions let you make use of LCA_Database stored lineages

First, let’s create a database from 3 signatures, and this time we’ll store lineages in there:

db = sourmash.lca.LCA_Database(ksize=31, scaled=1000)
db.insert(sig1, lineage=lineage1)
db.insert(sig2, lineage=lineage2)
db.insert(sig3, lineage=lineage3)

Now, for any collection of hashes, you can retrieve all the lineage assignments into a dictionary: { hashval: set of lineages }

assignments = sourmash.lca.gather_assignments(sig2.minhash.get_mins(), [db])
print('num hashvals:', len(assignments))
num hashvals: 494

For example, this particular hashvalue belongs to two different lineages:

{(LineagePair(rank='superkingdom', name='Bacteria'),
  LineagePair(rank='phylum', name='Proteobacteria'),
  LineagePair(rank='class', name='Gammaproteobacteria'),
  LineagePair(rank='order', name='Alteromonadales'),
  LineagePair(rank='family', name='Shewanellaceae'),
  LineagePair(rank='genus', name='Shewanella'),
  LineagePair(rank='species', name='Shewanella baltica'),
  LineagePair(rank='strain', name='Shewanella baltica OS185')),
 (LineagePair(rank='superkingdom', name='Bacteria'),
  LineagePair(rank='phylum', name='Proteobacteria'),
  LineagePair(rank='class', name='Gammaproteobacteria'),
  LineagePair(rank='order', name='Alteromonadales'),
  LineagePair(rank='family', name='Shewanellaceae'),
  LineagePair(rank='genus', name='Shewanella'),
  LineagePair(rank='species', name='Shewanella baltica'),
  LineagePair(rank='strain', name='Shewanella baltica OS223'))}

sourmash also includes functions to summarize assignments by counting the number of times a particular lineage occurs; this is used by sourmash lca classify and sourmash lca summarize.

counter = sourmash.lca.count_lca_for_assignments(assignments)

# count_lca_for_assignments returns a collections.Counter object
for lineage, count in counter.most_common():
    print('{} hashes have LCA: {}'.format(count, sourmash.lca.display_lineage(lineage)))
311 hashes have LCA: Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Alteromonadales;Shewanellaceae;Shewanella;Shewanella baltica;Shewanella baltica OS185
183 hashes have LCA: Bacteria;Proteobacteria;Gammaproteobacteria;Alteromonadales;Shewanellaceae;Shewanella;Shewanella baltica