# Storing SBTs We support different storage options for the internal SBT data. ## Available storages ### FSStorage The initial storage schema. Saves internal SBT data in a hidden directory near the SBT JSON description. - Pros: easy to create - Cons: annoying to distribute (thousands of files). We used to create a tar file of JSON + hidden directory, which requires extracting and using more disk space. ### TarStorage Similar to FSStorage, but saves the internal SBT data in a `tar` file. - Pros * easy to distribute (two files) - Cons * still need to distribute and download everything (you need the full tar file available locally to be able to use the SBT). ### IPFSStorage Uses IPFS to store internal SBT data, allowing partial database download. - Pros * easy to distribute (one file, the SBT JSON description) * only data needed for analysis is downloaded * benefits from more people storing the data in their computers and sharing bandwidth - Cons: * needs IPFS daemon running in the computer * takes longer to run if data is not prefetched ### RedisStorage Meant to be a fast in-memory storage. There won't be a public Redis server to provide the internal SBT data, but this storage is a good option for loading data from others sources and sharing with other processes or servers in your private network. - Pros * Shareable between processes or servers in a network * Faster access time than reading from disk (probably?) - Cons * No public server for the data (need to convert from other sources) ## Converting an existing tree to use a new storage You can convert SBTs to another storage using the `sourmash storage convert` command: ``` bash $ sourmash storage convert -b new_storage_type database.sbt.json ``` For example: to convert a tree to IPFSStorage, do ``` bash $ sourmash storage convert -b ipfs database.sbt.json ```