## Tutorials and examples These tutorials are command line tutorials that should work on Mac OS X and Linux. They require about 5 GB of disk space and 5 GB of RAM. * [Installing sourmash with conda](tutorial-install.md) * [The first sourmash tutorial - making signatures, comparing, and searching](tutorial-basic.md) * [Using sourmash LCA to do taxonomic classification](tutorials-lca.md) * [Analyzing the genomic and taxonomic composition of an environmental genome using GTDB and sample-specific MAGs with sourmash](tutorial-lemonade.md) * [Some sourmash command line examples!](sourmash-examples.ipynb) ## How-To Guides * [Classifying genome and metagenome sketches](classifying-signatures.md) * [Working with private collections of genome sketches](sourmash-collections.ipynb) * [Using the `LCA_Database` API](using-LCA-database-API.ipynb) * [Building plots from `sourmash compare` output](plotting-compare.ipynb). * [A short guide to using sourmash output with R](other-languages.md). ## Frequently Asked Questions * [Frequently asked questions](faq.md) ## How sourmash works under the hood * [An introduction to k-mers for genome comparison and analysis](kmers-and-minhash.ipynb) * [Support, versioning, and migration between versions](support.md) ## Reference material * [UNIX command-line documentation](command-line.md) * [Genbank and GTDB databases and taxonomy files](databases.md) * [Python examples using the API](api-example.md) * [Publications about sourmash](publications.md) * [A guide to the internal design and structure of sourmash](sourmash-internals.md) * [Funding acknowledgements](funding.md) ## Developing and extending sourmash * [Getting started with sourmash development](developer.md) * [Releasing a new version of sourmash](release.md) ## [Full table of contents for all docs](toc.md)