Source code for sourmash.sbt

#!/usr/bin/env python
An implementation of sequence bloom trees, Solomon & Kingsford, 2015.

from collections import namedtuple, Counter
from import Mapping

from copy import copy
import json
import math
import os
from random import randint, random
import sys
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from cachetools import Cache
from io import StringIO

from .exceptions import IndexNotSupported
from .sbt_storage import FSStorage, IPFSStorage, RedisStorage, ZipStorage
from .logging import error, notify, debug
from .index import Index, IndexSearchResult, CollectionManifest
from .picklist import passes_all_picklists

from .nodegraph import Nodegraph, extract_nodegraph_info, calc_expected_collisions

    "FSStorage": FSStorage,
    "IPFSStorage": IPFSStorage,
    "RedisStorage": RedisStorage,
    "ZipStorage": ZipStorage,

NodePos = namedtuple("NodePos", ["pos", "node"])

[docs] class GraphFactory: """Build new nodegraphs (Bloom filters) of a specific (fixed) size. Parameters ---------- ksize: int k-mer size. starting_size: int size (in bytes) for each nodegraph table. n_tables: int number of nodegraph tables to be used. """ def __init__(self, ksize, starting_size, n_tables): self.ksize = ksize self.starting_size = starting_size self.n_tables = n_tables def __call__(self): return Nodegraph(self.ksize, self.starting_size, self.n_tables)
[docs] def init_args(self): return (self.ksize, self.starting_size, self.n_tables)
class _NodesCache(Cache): """A cache for SBT nodes that calls .unload() when the node is removed from cache. This is adapted from the LFU cache in, but removing the largest node ids first (those near the bottom/leaves of the SBT). """ def __init__(self, maxsize, getsizeof=None): Cache.__init__(self, maxsize, getsizeof) self.__counter = Counter() def __getitem__(self, key, cache_getitem=Cache.__getitem__): value = cache_getitem(self, key) self.__counter[key] -= 1 return value def __setitem__(self, key, value, cache_setitem=Cache.__setitem__): cache_setitem(self, key, value) self.__counter[key] -= 1 def __delitem__(self, key, cache_delitem=Cache.__delitem__): cache_delitem(self, key) del self.__counter[key] def popitem(self): """Remove and return the `(key, value)` pair least recently used.""" try: # Select least frequently used keys, # limit to 50 items to avoid dealing with huge lists common = self.__counter.most_common()[:50] # common might include different values, so let's use # only keys that have the same value as the first one # (all those with the same count are least frequently used items) count = common[0][1] # we want to remove the item closest to the leaves, # and since node ids increase as they get farther from the root # we just need to select the maximum key/node id (key, _) = max(c for c in common if c[1] == count) except IndexError: msg = "%s is empty" % self.__class__.__name__ raise KeyError(msg) from None else: value = self.pop(key) value.unload() return (key, value)
[docs] class SBT(Index): """A Sequence Bloom Tree implementation allowing generic internal nodes and leaves. The default node and leaf format is a Bloom Filter (like the original implementation), but we also provide a MinHash leaf class (in the sourmash.sbtmh.SigLeaf class) Parameters ---------- factory: Factory Callable for generating new datastores for internal nodes. d: int Number of children for each internal node. Defaults to 2 (a binary tree) storage: Storage, default: None A Storage is any place where we can save and load data for the nodes. If set to None, will use a FSStorage. cache_size: int, default None Number of internal nodes to cache in memory. If set to None, will not remove any nodes from memory (cache grows without bounds). Notes ----- We use two dicts to store the tree structure: One for the internal nodes, and another for the leaves (datasets). """ is_database = True def __init__(self, factory, *, d=2, storage=None, cache_size=None): self.factory = factory self._nodes = {} self._missing_nodes = set() self._leaves = {} self.d = d self.next_node = 0 = storage if cache_size is None: cache_size = sys.maxsize self._nodescache = _NodesCache(maxsize=cache_size) self._location = None self.picklists = [] self.manifest = None @property def location(self): return self._location
[docs] def signatures(self): if self.manifest: # if manifest, use it & load using direct path to storage. # this will be faster when using picklists. from .signature import load_one_signature manifest = self.manifest # iteratively select picklists; no other selection criteria # apply to SBTs, since ksize etc are fixed as part of indexing. for picklist in self.picklists: manifest = manifest.select_to_manifest(picklist=picklist) for loc in manifest.locations(): buf = # if more than one signature can be in a file, we need # to recheck picklists here. ss = load_one_signature(buf) yield ss else: # no manifest? iterate over all leaves. for k in self.leaves(): ss = if passes_all_picklists(ss, self.picklists): yield ss
def _signatures_with_internal(self): """Return an iterator of tuples (ss, storage_path, internal_location). Note: does not limit signatures to subsets. """ for k in self.leaves(): ss = yield ss, k._path
[docs] def select( self, ksize=None, moltype=None, num=0, scaled=0, containment=False, abund=None, picklist=None, ): """Make sure this database matches the requested requirements. Will always raise ValueError if a requirement cannot be met. The only tricky bit here is around downsampling: if the scaled value being requested is higher than the signatures in the SBT, we can use the SBT for containment but not for similarity. This is because: * if we are doing containment searches, the intermediate nodes can still be used for calculating containment of signatures with higher scaled values. This is because only hashes that match in the higher range are used for containment scores. * however, for similarity, _all_ hashes are used, and we cannot implicitly downsample or necessarily estimate similarity if the scaled values differ. """ # pull out a signature from this collection - first_sig = next(iter(self.signatures())) db_mh = first_sig.minhash # check ksize. if ksize is not None and db_mh.ksize != ksize: raise ValueError( f"search ksize {ksize} is different from database ksize {db_mh.ksize}" ) # check moltype. if moltype is not None and db_mh.moltype != moltype: raise ValueError( f"search moltype {moltype} is different from database moltype {db_mh.moltype}" ) # containment requires 'scaled'. if containment: if not scaled: raise ValueError("'containment' requires 'scaled' in'") if not db_mh.scaled: raise ValueError( "cannot search this SBT for containment; signatures are not calculated with scaled" ) # 'num' and 'scaled' do not mix. if num: if not db_mh.num: raise ValueError( "this database was created with 'scaled' MinHash sketches, not 'num'" ) if num != db_mh.num: raise ValueError(f"num mismatch for SBT: num={num}, {db_mh.num}") if scaled: if not db_mh.scaled: raise ValueError( "this database was created with 'num' MinHash sketches, not 'scaled'" ) # we can downsample SBTs for containment operations. if scaled > db_mh.scaled and not containment: raise ValueError( f"search scaled value {scaled} is less than database scaled value of {db_mh.scaled}" ) if abund: raise ValueError("SBT indices do not support sketches with abund=True") if picklist is not None: self.picklists.append(picklist) if len(self.picklists) > 1: raise ValueError("we do not (yet) support multiple picklists for SBTs") return self
[docs] def new_node_pos(self, node): # note: node is not actually used in this function! CTB if not self._nodes: self.next_node = 1 return 0 if not self._leaves: self.next_node = 2 return 1 min_leaf = min(self._leaves.keys()) next_internal_node = None if self.next_node <= min_leaf: for i in range(min_leaf): if all( ( i not in self._nodes, i not in self._leaves, i not in self._missing_nodes, ) ): next_internal_node = i break if next_internal_node is None: self.next_node = max(self._leaves.keys()) + 1 else: self.next_node = next_internal_node return self.next_node
[docs] def insert(self, signature): "Add a new SourmashSignature in to the SBT." from .sbtmh import SigLeaf leaf = SigLeaf(signature.md5sum(), signature) self.add_node(leaf)
[docs] def add_node(self, node): pos = self.new_node_pos(node) if pos == 0: # empty tree; initialize w/node. n = Node(self.factory, name="internal." + str(pos)) self._nodes[0] = n pos = self.new_node_pos(node) # Cases: # 1) parent is a Leaf (already covered) # 2) parent is a Node (with empty position available) # - add Leaf, update parent # 3) parent is a Node (no position available) # - this is covered by case 1 # 4) parent is None # this can happen with d != 2, in this case create the parent node p = self.parent(pos) if isinstance(p.node, Leaf): # Create a new internal node # node and parent are children of new internal node n = Node(self.factory, name="internal." + str(p.pos)) self._nodes[p.pos] = n c1, c2 = self.children(p.pos)[:2] self._leaves[c1.pos] = p.node self._leaves[c2.pos] = node del self._leaves[p.pos] for child in (p.node, node): child.update(n) elif isinstance(p.node, Node): self._leaves[pos] = node node.update(p.node) elif p.node is None: n = Node(self.factory, name="internal." + str(p.pos)) self._nodes[p.pos] = n c1 = self.children(p.pos)[0] self._leaves[c1.pos] = node node.update(n) else: # this branch should never be reached; put guard in to make sure! assert 0 # update all parents! p = self.parent(p.pos) while p: self._rebuild_node(p.pos) node.update(self._nodes[p.pos]) p = self.parent(p.pos)
def _find_nodes(self, search_fn, *args, **kwargs): "Search the tree using `search_fn`." unload_data = kwargs.get("unload_data", True) # initialize search queue with top node of tree matches = [] visited, queue = set(), [0] # while the queue is not empty, load each node and apply search # function. while queue: node_p = queue.pop(0) # repair while searching. node_g = self._leaves.get(node_p, None) if node_g is None: if node_p in self._nodescache: node_g = self._nodescache[node_p] else: node_g = self._nodes.get(node_p, None) if node_g is None: if node_p in self._missing_nodes: self._rebuild_node(node_p) node_g = self._nodes[node_p] else: continue self._nodescache[node_p] = node_g # if we have not visited this node before, if node_p not in visited: visited.add(node_p) # apply search fn. If return false, truncate search. if search_fn(node_g, *args): # leaf node? it's a match! if isinstance(node_g, Leaf): matches.append(node_g) # internal node? descend. elif isinstance(node_g, Node): if kwargs.get("dfs", True): # defaults search to dfs for c in self.children(node_p): queue.insert(0, c.pos) else: # bfs queue.extend(c.pos for c in self.children(node_p)) if unload_data: node_g.unload() return matches
[docs] def find(self, search_fn, query, **kwargs): """ Do a Jaccard similarity or containment search, yield results. Here 'search_fn' should be an instance of 'JaccardSearch'. Queries with higher scaled values than the database can still be used for containment search, but not for similarity search. See for details. """ from .sbtmh import SigLeaf search_fn.check_is_compatible(query) query_mh = query.minhash # figure out downsampling using the first leaf in the tree -- a_leaf = next(iter(self.leaves())) tree_scaled = # scaled? if tree_scaled: assert query_mh.scaled # pick the larger scaled of the query & node scaled = max(query_mh.scaled, tree_scaled) if query_mh.scaled < tree_scaled: query_mh = query_mh.downsample(scaled=tree_scaled) # provide function to downsample leaf_node as well if scaled == tree_scaled: def downsample_node(x): return x else: def downsample_node(node_mh): return node_mh.downsample(scaled=scaled) else: assert query_mh.num # pick the smaller num of the query & node min_num = min(query_mh.num, # downsample query once: if query_mh.num > min_num: query_mh = query_mh.downsample(num=min_num) # provide function to downsample leaf nodes. if min_num == def downsample_node(x): return x else: def downsample_node(node_mh): return node_mh.downsample(num=min_num) query_size = len(query_mh) # store scores here so we don't need to recalculate results = {} # construct a function to pass into ._find_nodes; this function # will be used to prune tree searches based on internal node scores, # in addition to finding leaf nodes. def node_search(node, *args, **kwargs): is_leaf = False # leaf node? downsample so we can do signature comparison. if isinstance(node, SigLeaf): is_leaf = True subj_mh = downsample_node( subj_size = len(subj_mh) subj_mh = subj_mh.flatten() assert not subj_mh.track_abundance shared_size, total_size = query_mh.intersection_and_union_size(subj_mh) else: # Node / Nodegraph by minhash comparison # no downsampling needed -- shared_size = subj_size = node.metadata.get("min_n_below", -1) if subj_size == -1: raise ValueError( "ERROR: no min_n_below on this tree, cannot search." ) total_size = subj_size # approximate; do not collect # calculate score (exact, if leaf; approximate, if not) score = search_fn.score_fn(query_size, shared_size, subj_size, total_size) if search_fn.passes(score): if is_leaf: # terminal node? keep. if search_fn.collect(score, results[] = score return True else: # it's a good internal node, keep. return True return False # & execute! for n in self._find_nodes(node_search, **kwargs): ss = # filter on picklists if passes_all_picklists(ss, self.picklists): yield IndexSearchResult(results[ss], ss, self.location)
def _rebuild_node(self, pos=0): """Recursively rebuilds an internal node (if it is not present). Parameters ---------- pos: int node to be rebuild. Any internal node under it will be rebuild too. If you want to rebuild all missing internal nodes you can use pos=0 (the default). """ node = self._nodes.get(pos, None) if node is not None: # this node was already build, skip return node = Node(self.factory, name=f"internal.{pos}") self._nodes[pos] = node for c in self.children(pos): if c.pos in self._missing_nodes or isinstance(c.node, Leaf): cnode = c.node if cnode is None: self._rebuild_node(c.pos) cnode = self._nodes[c.pos] cnode.update(node)
[docs] def parent(self, pos): """Return the parent of the node at position ``pos``. If it is the root node (position 0), returns None. Parameters ---------- pos: int Position of the node in the tree. Returns ------- NodePos : A NodePos namedtuple with the position and content of the parent node. """ if pos == 0: return None p = int(math.floor((pos - 1) / self.d)) if p in self._leaves: return NodePos(p, self._leaves[p]) node = self._nodes.get(p, None) return NodePos(p, node)
[docs] def children(self, pos): """Return all children nodes for node at position ``pos``. Parameters ---------- pos: int Position of the node in the tree. Returns ------- list of NodePos A list of NodePos namedtuples with the position and content of all children nodes. """ return [self.child(pos, c) for c in range(self.d)]
[docs] def child(self, parent, pos): """Return a child node at position ``pos`` under the ``parent`` node. Parameters ---------- parent: int Parent node position in the tree. pos: int Position of the child one under the parent. Ranges from [0, arity - 1], where arity is the arity of the SBT (usually it is 2, a binary tree). Returns ------- NodePos A NodePos namedtuple with the position and content of the child node. """ cd = self.d * parent + pos + 1 if cd in self._leaves: return NodePos(cd, self._leaves[cd]) node = self._nodes.get(cd, None) return NodePos(cd, node)
[docs] def save(self, path, storage=None, sparseness=0.0, structure_only=False): """Saves an SBT description locally and node data to a storage. Parameters ---------- path : str path to where the SBT description should be saved. storage : Storage, optional Storage to be used for saving node data. Defaults to FSStorage (a hidden directory at the same level of path) sparseness : float How much of the internal nodes should be saved. Defaults to 0.0 (save all internal nodes data), can go up to 1.0 (don't save any internal nodes data) structure_only: boolean Write only the index schema and metadata, but not the data. Defaults to False (save data too) Returns ------- str full path to the new SBT description """ info = {} info["d"] = self.d info["version"] = 6 info["index_type"] = self.__class__.__name__ # TODO: check # choose between ZipStorage and FS (file system/directory) storage. # default to ZipStorage, unless .sbt.json is specified in filename. kind = None if not path.endswith(".sbt.json"): kind = "Zip" if not path.endswith(""): path += "" storage = ZipStorage(path, mode="w") backend = "FSStorage" assert path[-8:] == "" name = os.path.basename(path[:-8]) # align the storage prefix with what we do for FSStorage, below. subdir = f".sbt.{name}" storage_args = FSStorage("", subdir, make_dirs=False).init_args() + "/", b"") storage.subdir = subdir index_filename = os.path.abspath(path) else: # path.endswith('.sbt.json') assert path.endswith(".sbt.json") name = os.path.basename(path) name = name[:-9] index_filename = os.path.abspath(path) if storage is None: kind = "FS" # default storage location = os.path.dirname(index_filename) # align subdir names with what we do above for ZipStorage subdir = f".sbt.{name}" # when we go to default of FSStorage, use full location for # storage, e.g. location/.sbt.{name}/ storage = FSStorage(location, subdir) index_filename = os.path.join(location, index_filename) backend = [k for (k, v) in STORAGES.items() if v == type(storage)][0] storage_args = storage.init_args() info["storage"] = {"backend": backend, "args": storage_args} info["factory"] = { "class": GraphFactory.__name__, "args": self.factory.init_args(), } nodes = {} leaves = {} internal_nodes = set(self._nodes).union(self._missing_nodes) total_nodes = len(self) + len(internal_nodes) manifest_rows = [] for n, (i, node) in enumerate(self): if node is None: continue if isinstance(node, Node): if random() - sparseness <= 0: continue data = { # TODO: start using md5sum instead? "filename": os.path.basename(, "name":, } try: node.metadata.pop("max_n_below") except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass data["metadata"] = node.metadata if structure_only is False: # trigger data loading before saving to the new place = storage if kind == "Zip": new_name =, data["filename"])) assert new_name.startswith(subdir + "/") # strip off prefix new_name = new_name[len(subdir) + 1 :] data["filename"] = new_name else: data["filename"] =["filename"]) if isinstance(node, Node): nodes[i] = data else: leaves[i] = data row = node.make_manifest_row(data["filename"]) if row: manifest_rows.append(row) if n % 100 == 0: notify(f"{format(n+1)} of {format(total_nodes)} nodes saved", end="\r") # now, save the index file and manifests. # # for zipfiles, they get saved in the zip file. # for FSStorage, we use the function. # # for everything else (Redis, IPFS), the index gets saved locally. # the nodes/leaves are saved/loaded from the datatabase, and # the index is used to get their names for loading. # (CTB: manifests are not yet supported for Redis and IPFS) # notify("Finished saving nodes, now saving SBT index file.") info["nodes"] = nodes info["signatures"] = leaves # finish constructing manifest object & save manifest = CollectionManifest(manifest_rows) manifest_name = f"{name}.manifest.csv" manifest_fp = StringIO() manifest.write_to_csv(manifest_fp, write_header=True) manifest_data = manifest_fp.getvalue().encode("utf-8") if kind == "Zip": manifest_name = os.path.join(storage.subdir, manifest_name) manifest_path = manifest_name, manifest_data, overwrite=True, compress=True ) elif kind == "FS": manifest_name = manifest_name manifest_path =, manifest_data, overwrite=True) else: manifest_path = None if manifest_path: info["manifest_path"] = manifest_path # now, save index. tree_data = json.dumps(info).encode("utf-8") if kind == "Zip": save_path = f"{name}.sbt.json", tree_data, overwrite=True) storage.flush() elif kind == "FS":, tree_data, overwrite=True) else: # save tree locally. with open(index_filename, "wb") as tree_fp: tree_fp.write(tree_data) notify(f"Finished saving SBT index, available at {format(index_filename)}\n") return path
[docs] @classmethod def load( cls, location, *, leaf_loader=None, storage=None, print_version_warning=True, cache_size=None, ): """Load an SBT description from a file. Parameters ---------- location : str path to the SBT description. leaf_loader : function, optional function to load leaf nodes. Defaults to ``Leaf.load``. storage : Storage, optional Storage to be used for saving node data. Defaults to FSStorage (a hidden directory at the same level of path) Returns ------- SBT the SBT tree built from the description. """ tempfile = None sbt_name = None tree_data = None if storage is None: if ZipStorage.can_open(location): storage = ZipStorage(location) else: if not location.endswith(""): location2 = location + "" if ZipStorage.can_open(location2): storage = ZipStorage(location2) if storage: sbts = storage.list_sbts() if len(sbts) == 1: tree_data = storage.load(sbts[0]) tempfile = NamedTemporaryFile() tempfile.write(tree_data) tempfile.flush() dirname = os.path.dirname( sbt_name = os.path.basename( if sbt_name is None: dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(location)) sbt_name = os.path.basename(location) if sbt_name.endswith(".sbt.json"): sbt_name = sbt_name[:-9] sbt_fn = os.path.join(dirname, sbt_name) if not sbt_fn.endswith(".sbt.json") and tempfile is None: sbt_fn += ".sbt.json" try: with open(sbt_fn) as fp: jnodes = json.load(fp) except NotADirectoryError as exc: raise ValueError(str(exc)) if tempfile is not None: tempfile.close() version = 1 if isinstance(jnodes, Mapping): version = jnodes["version"] if leaf_loader is None: leaf_loader = Leaf.load loaders = { 1: cls._load_v1, 2: cls._load_v2, 3: cls._load_v3, 4: cls._load_v4, 5: cls._load_v5, 6: cls._load_v6, } try: loader = loaders[version] except KeyError: raise IndexNotSupported() # if version >= 6: # if jnodes.get("index_type", "SBT") == "LocalizedSBT": # loaders[6] = LocalizedSBT._load_v6 if version < 3 and storage is None: storage = FSStorage(dirname, f".sbt.{sbt_name}") elif storage is None: klass = STORAGES[jnodes["storage"]["backend"]] if jnodes["storage"]["backend"] == "FSStorage": storage = FSStorage(dirname, jnodes["storage"]["args"]["path"]) elif storage is None: storage = klass(**jnodes["storage"]["args"]) obj = loader( jnodes, leaf_loader, dirname, storage, print_version_warning=print_version_warning, cache_size=cache_size, ) obj._location = location if "manifest_path" in jnodes: manifest_path = jnodes["manifest_path"] manifest_data = storage.load(manifest_path) manifest_data = manifest_data.decode("utf-8") manifest_fp = StringIO(manifest_data) obj.manifest = CollectionManifest.load_from_csv(manifest_fp) else: obj.manifest = None return obj
@staticmethod def _load_v1( jnodes, leaf_loader, dirname, storage, *, print_version_warning=True, cache_size=None, ): if jnodes[0] is None: raise ValueError("Empty tree!") sbt_nodes = {} sbt_leaves = {} sample_bf = os.path.join(dirname, jnodes[0]["filename"]) ksize, tablesize, ntables = extract_nodegraph_info(sample_bf)[:3] factory = GraphFactory(ksize, tablesize, ntables) for i, jnode in enumerate(jnodes): if jnode is None: continue jnode["filename"] = os.path.join(dirname, jnode["filename"]) if "internal" in jnode["name"]: jnode["factory"] = factory sbt_node = Node.load(jnode, storage) sbt_nodes[i] = sbt_node else: sbt_node = leaf_loader(jnode, storage) sbt_leaves[i] = sbt_node tree = SBT(factory, cache_size=cache_size) tree._nodes = sbt_nodes tree._leaves = sbt_leaves return tree @classmethod def _load_v2( cls, info, leaf_loader, dirname, storage, *, print_version_warning=True, cache_size=None, ): nodes = {int(k): v for (k, v) in info["nodes"].items()} if nodes[0] is None: raise ValueError("Empty tree!") sbt_nodes = {} sbt_leaves = {} sample_bf = os.path.join(dirname, nodes[0]["filename"]) k, size, ntables = extract_nodegraph_info(sample_bf)[:3] factory = GraphFactory(k, size, ntables) for k, node in nodes.items(): if node is None: continue node["filename"] = os.path.join(dirname, node["filename"]) if "internal" in node["name"]: node["factory"] = factory sbt_node = Node.load(node, storage) sbt_nodes[k] = sbt_node else: sbt_node = leaf_loader(node, storage) sbt_leaves[k] = sbt_node tree = cls(factory, d=info["d"], cache_size=cache_size) tree._nodes = sbt_nodes tree._leaves = sbt_leaves return tree @classmethod def _load_v3( cls, info, leaf_loader, dirname, storage, *, print_version_warning=True, cache_size=None, ): nodes = {int(k): v for (k, v) in info["nodes"].items()} if not nodes: raise ValueError("Empty tree!") sbt_nodes = {} sbt_leaves = {} factory = GraphFactory(*info["factory"]["args"]) max_node = 0 for k, node in nodes.items(): if node is None: continue if "internal" in node["name"]: node["factory"] = factory sbt_node = Node.load(node, storage) sbt_nodes[k] = sbt_node else: sbt_node = leaf_loader(node, storage) sbt_leaves[k] = sbt_node max_node = max(max_node, k) tree = cls(factory, d=info["d"], storage=storage, cache_size=cache_size) tree._nodes = sbt_nodes tree._leaves = sbt_leaves tree._missing_nodes = { i for i in range(max_node) if i not in sbt_nodes and i not in sbt_leaves } if print_version_warning: error( "WARNING: this is an old index version, please run `sourmash migrate` to update it." ) error( "WARNING: proceeding with execution, but it will take longer to finish!" ) tree._fill_min_n_below() return tree @classmethod def _load_v4( cls, info, leaf_loader, dirname, storage, *, print_version_warning=True, cache_size=None, ): nodes = {int(k): v for (k, v) in info["nodes"].items()} if not nodes: raise ValueError("Empty tree!") sbt_nodes = {} sbt_leaves = {} factory = GraphFactory(*info["factory"]["args"]) max_node = 0 for k, node in nodes.items(): if "internal" in node["name"]: node["factory"] = factory sbt_node = Node.load(node, storage) sbt_nodes[k] = sbt_node else: sbt_node = leaf_loader(node, storage) sbt_leaves[k] = sbt_node max_node = max(max_node, k) tree = cls(factory, d=info["d"], storage=storage, cache_size=cache_size) tree._nodes = sbt_nodes tree._leaves = sbt_leaves tree._missing_nodes = { i for i in range(max_node) if i not in sbt_nodes and i not in sbt_leaves } tree.next_node = max_node return tree @classmethod def _load_v5( cls, info, leaf_loader, dirname, storage, *, print_version_warning=True, cache_size=None, ): nodes = {int(k): v for (k, v) in info["nodes"].items()} leaves = {int(k): v for (k, v) in info["leaves"].items()} if not leaves: raise ValueError("Empty tree!") sbt_nodes = {} sbt_leaves = {} if storage is None: klass = STORAGES[info["storage"]["backend"]] if info["storage"]["backend"] == "FSStorage": storage = FSStorage(dirname, info["storage"]["args"]["path"]) elif storage is None: storage = klass(**info["storage"]["args"]) factory = GraphFactory(*info["factory"]["args"]) max_node = 0 for k, node in nodes.items(): node["factory"] = factory sbt_node = Node.load(node, storage) sbt_nodes[k] = sbt_node max_node = max(max_node, k) for k, node in leaves.items(): sbt_leaf = leaf_loader(node, storage) sbt_leaves[k] = sbt_leaf max_node = max(max_node, k) tree = cls(factory, d=info["d"], storage=storage, cache_size=cache_size) tree._nodes = sbt_nodes tree._leaves = sbt_leaves tree._missing_nodes = { i for i in range(max_node) if i not in sbt_nodes and i not in sbt_leaves } return tree @classmethod def _load_v6( cls, info, leaf_loader, dirname, storage, *, print_version_warning=True, cache_size=None, ): nodes = {int(k): v for (k, v) in info["nodes"].items()} leaves = {int(k): v for (k, v) in info["signatures"].items()} if not leaves: raise ValueError("Empty tree!") sbt_nodes = {} sbt_leaves = {} if storage is None: klass = STORAGES[info["storage"]["backend"]] if info["storage"]["backend"] == "FSStorage": storage = FSStorage(dirname, info["storage"]["args"]["path"]) elif storage is None: storage = klass(**info["storage"]["args"]) factory = GraphFactory(*info["factory"]["args"]) max_node = 0 for k, node in nodes.items(): node["factory"] = factory sbt_node = Node.load(node, storage) sbt_nodes[k] = sbt_node max_node = max(max_node, k) for k, node in leaves.items(): sbt_leaf = leaf_loader(node, storage) sbt_leaves[k] = sbt_leaf max_node = max(max_node, k) tree = cls(factory, d=info["d"], storage=storage, cache_size=cache_size) tree._nodes = sbt_nodes tree._leaves = sbt_leaves tree._missing_nodes = { i for i in range(max_node) if i not in sbt_nodes and i not in sbt_leaves } return tree def _fill_min_n_below(self): """\ Propagate the smallest hash size below each node up the tree from the leaves. """ def fill_min_n_below(node, *args, **kwargs): original_min_n_below = node.metadata.get("min_n_below", sys.maxsize) min_n_below = original_min_n_below children = kwargs["children"] for child in children: if child.node is not None: if isinstance(child.node, Leaf): min_n_below = min(len(, min_n_below) else: child_n = child.node.metadata.get("min_n_below", sys.maxsize) min_n_below = min(child_n, min_n_below) if min_n_below == 0: min_n_below = 1 node.metadata["min_n_below"] = min_n_below return original_min_n_below != min_n_below self._fill_up(fill_min_n_below) def _fill_internal(self): def fill_nodegraphs(node, *args, **kwargs): children = kwargs["children"] for child in children: if child.node is not None: child.node.update(node) return True self._fill_up(fill_nodegraphs) def _fill_up(self, search_fn, *args, **kwargs): visited, queue = set(), list(reversed(sorted(self._leaves.keys()))) debug("started filling up") processed = 0 while queue: node_p = queue.pop(0) parent = self.parent(node_p) if parent is None: # we are in the root, no more nodes available to search assert len(queue) == 0 return was_missing = False if parent.node is None: if parent.pos in self._missing_nodes: self._rebuild_node(parent.pos) parent = self.parent(node_p) was_missing = True else: continue siblings = self.children(parent.pos) if node_p not in visited: visited.add(node_p) for sibling in siblings: visited.add(sibling.pos) try: queue.remove(sibling.pos) except ValueError: pass if search_fn(parent.node, children=siblings, *args) or was_missing: queue.append(parent.pos) processed += 1 if processed % 100 == 0: debug("processed {}, in queue {}", processed, len(queue), sep="\r") def __len__(self): return len(self._leaves)
[docs] def print_dot(self): print( """ digraph G { nodesep=0.3; ranksep=0.2; margin=0.1; node [shape=ellipse]; edge [arrowsize=0.8]; """ ) for i, node in self._nodes.items(): if isinstance(node, Node): print(f'"{}" [shape=box fillcolor=gray style=filled]') for j, child in self.children(i): if child is not None: print(f'"{}" -> "{}"') print("}")
[docs] def print(self): visited, stack = set(), [0] while stack: node_p = stack.pop() node_g = self._nodes.get(node_p, None) if node_p not in visited and node_g is not None: visited.add(node_p) depth = int(math.floor(math.log(node_p + 1, self.d))) print(" " * 4 * depth, node_g) if isinstance(node_g, Node): stack.extend( c.pos for c in self.children(node_p) if c.pos not in visited )
def __iter__(self): for i, node in self._nodes.items(): yield (i, node) for i, node in self._leaves.items(): yield (i, node) def _parents(self, pos=0): if pos == 0: yield None else: p = self.parent(pos) while p is not None: yield p.pos p = self.parent(p.pos)
[docs] def leaves(self, with_pos=False, unload_data=True): for pos, data in self._leaves.items(): if with_pos: yield (pos, data) else: yield data if unload_data: data.unload()
[docs] def combine(self, other): larger, smaller = self, other if len(other) > len(self): larger, smaller = other, self n = Node(self.factory, name="internal.0", larger._nodes[0].update(n) smaller._nodes[0].update(n) new_nodes = {} new_nodes[0] = n new_leaves = {} levels = int(math.ceil(math.log(len(larger), self.d))) + 1 current_pos = 1 n_previous = 0 n_next = 1 for level in range(1, levels + 1): for tree in (larger, smaller): for pos in range(n_previous, n_next): if tree._nodes.get(pos, None) is not None: new_node = copy(tree._nodes[pos]) = f"internal.{current_pos}" new_nodes[current_pos] = new_node elif tree._leaves.get(pos, None) is not None: new_node = copy(tree._leaves[pos]) new_leaves[current_pos] = new_node current_pos += 1 n_previous = n_next n_next = n_previous + int(self.d**level) current_pos = n_next # TODO: do we want to return a new tree, or merge into this one? self._nodes = new_nodes self._leaves = new_leaves return self
[docs] class Node: "Internal node of SBT." def __init__(self, factory, name=None, path=None, storage=None): = name = storage self._factory = factory self._data = None self._path = path self.metadata = {} def __str__(self): return "*Node:{name} [occupied: {nb}, fpr: {fpr:.2}]".format(,, fpr=calc_expected_collisions(, True, 1.1), )
[docs] def save(self, path): buf = return, buf, overwrite=True)
@property def data(self): if self._data is None: if self._path is None: self._data = self._factory() else: data = self._data = Nodegraph.from_buffer(data) return self._data @data.setter def data(self, new_data): self._data = new_data
[docs] def unload(self): if # Don't unload data if there is no Storage # TODO: Check that data is actually in the storage? self._data = None
[docs] @staticmethod def load(info, storage=None): new_node = Node( info["factory"], name=info["name"], path=info["filename"], storage=storage ) new_node.metadata = info.get("metadata", {}) return new_node
[docs] def update(self, parent): if "min_n_below" in self.metadata: min_n_below = min( parent.metadata.get("min_n_below", sys.maxsize), self.metadata.get("min_n_below"), ) if min_n_below == 0: min_n_below = 1 parent.metadata["min_n_below"] = min_n_below
[docs] class Leaf: def __init__(self, metadata, data=None, name=None, storage=None, path=None): self.metadata = metadata if name is None: name = metadata = name = storage self._data = data self._path = path def __str__(self): return "**Leaf:{name} [occupied: {nb}, fpr: {fpr:.2}] -> {metadata}".format(, metadata=self.metadata,, fpr=calc_expected_collisions(, True, 1.1), )
[docs] def make_manifest_row(self, location): return None
@property def data(self): if self._data is None: data = self._data = Nodegraph.from_buffer(data) return self._data @data.setter def data(self, new_data): self._data = new_data
[docs] def unload(self): if # Don't unload data if there is no Storage # TODO: Check that data is actually in the storage? self._data = None
[docs] def save(self, path): buf = return, buf)
[docs] def update(self, parent):
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, info, storage=None): return cls( info["metadata"], name=info["name"], path=info["filename"], storage=storage )
def filter_distance(filter_a, filter_b, n=1000): """ Compute a heuristic distance per bit between two Bloom filters. Parameters ---------- filter_a : Nodegraph filter_b : Nodegraph n : int Number of positions to compare (in groups of 8) Returns ------- float The distance between both filters (from 0.0 to 1.0) """ from numpy import array A = filter_a.graph.get_raw_tables() B = filter_b.graph.get_raw_tables() distance = 0 for q, p in zip(A, B): a = array(q, copy=False) b = array(p, copy=False) for i in map(lambda x: randint(0, len(a)), range(n)): distance += sum( map( int, [ not bool((a[i] >> j) & 1) ^ bool((b[i] >> j) & 1) for j in range(8) ], ) ) return distance / (8.0 * len(A) * n) def convert_cmd(name, backend): "Convert an SBT to use a different back end." from .sbtmh import SigLeaf options = backend.split("(") backend = options.pop(0) backend = backend.lower().strip("'") kwargs = {} if options: print(options) options = options[0].split(")") options = [options.pop(0)] # options = {} else: options = [] if backend.lower() in ("ipfs", "ipfsstorage"): backend = IPFSStorage elif backend.lower() in ("redis", "redisstorage"): backend = RedisStorage elif backend.lower() in ("zip", "zipstorage"): backend = ZipStorage kwargs["mode"] = "w" elif backend.lower() in ("fs", "fsstorage"): backend = FSStorage if options: options = [os.path.dirname(options[0]), os.path.basename(options[0])] else: # this is the default for SBT v2 tag = ".sbt." + os.path.basename(name) if tag.endswith(".sbt.json"): tag = tag[:-9] path = os.path.dirname(name) options = [path, tag] else: error(f"backend not recognized: {backend}") with backend(*options, **kwargs) as storage: sbt = SBT.load(name, leaf_loader=SigLeaf.load), storage=storage)